Tag: reaction
Posted by Vasileios Posted on 19 September 2019 0 Comments on The most intense reaction video on the internet.
Posted in Off Topic
Tagged alex, alex jones, infowars, intense reaction, jones, meme, reaction, reaction video
The most intense reaction video on the internet today. Praise our lord and meme savior Alex Jones.
Posted in Technical
Tagged agility, agility reaction trainer, arduino, art, codingjar, codingjar.org, education, giannakakis, giannakis, giannakis academy, jar, jar.gr, reaction, smart, trainer
ART, or Agility Reaction Trainer, is a tool that was the main point of reference of Giannakis’ Academy Summer Camp 2018. ART is a interactive tool, that aims at improving the Peripheral Vision, Reaction Time, and Memory of its users. In essence it’s…