Category: Technical

Moving away from IoT to Cloud-Offloading using the Fog

man holding ice cream cone under cloud- iot

Moving away from IoT to Cloud-Offloading using the Fog Whats up with IoT? In the last years, more and more devices of everyday usage are becoming connected to the Internet, even devices that traditionally did not have any network connectivity….

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Papoulier – The great scorner

It all started as a joke, I swear. But it got worse. For some reason we decided that Karolos Papoulias (cool dude if you ask me) scorns everybody. This stems from his menacing scorn face he has all the time….

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ART (Agility Reaction Trainer)

ART, or Agility Reaction Trainer, is a tool that was the main point of reference of Giannakis’ Academy Summer Camp 2018. ART is a interactive tool, that aims at improving the Peripheral Vision, Reaction Time, and Memory of its users. In essence it’s…

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Karaoke Synchronizer

Ah, the karaoke Synchronizer, also known as Kara-OK! KaraOK is a Karaoke Creating Application developed during my time at Express Publishing. The application allowed for a music clip to be synced with audio, and the sync to be exported as an XML…

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